Friday, October 19, 2007

Just Hanging On A Friday Night

So, it's Friday evening and Noah, Dad and I just went to a conference with Mr. G. Outside of the classroom, on the bulletin board, was Noah's eighth grade charcoal drawing. It's truly amazing Ilaria. I can't wait for you to see it. I'll try to take a picture of it so you can admire it as well.

As Dan said there was a crazy storm today--and although he would like you to believe that he was in great danger, he merely stepped outside during it (Why? Who really knows, other than he's a curious little bugger) and was pelted with quite a few small hail stones. It was amazing to watch--climate change for sure!

This weekend we have two soccer games and a cross country meet. Bob is going to a protest march and I finally get to sleep in! Yes! Then of course there is laundry and house cleaning. Oh, joy.

Last Friday I went out with Karyn and Piaf to go see "Elizabeth: The Golden Years". It was NOT good. I loved the first, but all I can say is wait for the DVD. The costumes were cool though.

Next weekend Noah's class is holding a garage sale to benefit their charity, 100 friends. That will be quite an undertaking.

I want to know all about your holiday, so please write on your blog when you can. Be careful while out, no drinking and climbing on castle roofs :) Seriously.

Well, my back has been killing me all day so I'm off to scrub the bathtub so I can take a bath. Ridiculous. Why???

I love you Lar.


1 comment:

Ilaria said...

I would love a new post please from anyone!!!