Sunday, October 28, 2007

what's been happening at home from Kali's veiw

Ok, the latest news, this weekend we had a garage/ bake sale at the school for 100 freinds. But you probably know that already.100 Freinds is this orginization this guy put together, once or twise a year he travels to third world countries, or places where a disaster struck. While he's there he interveiws people/ familys who live there and if they prove to use the money well, he will give them a certain amount of money depending on what it will be used for. He gets the money from contributions of people who are more forchinate with money. So we as a class braught all the stuff that was of no use to us, and we had a garage sale. So far we've made probaly almost $900, without the bakesales money (which i got a glimps at the whad of cash). So i can imagine we will pull together quit a handful of money.
On Wenesday our class went to the play of "To Kill A Mockingbird". I enjoyed it very much, there were kid actors who played the children, and they were unbelieveable.
Last weekend i went to portland with my mom, karuna, mark and josh. We went for Adrianns wedding reception. The food was awesome, but i couldn't eat half of it, but it was still cool. Then the next day we spent a day shopping in the city. We went the powell's books, like the biggest book store on the west coast. We also went the the buffalo exchange and I got my two dresses for my Halloween costume.
HALLOWEEN: So for Halloween Claire is having some people over until it gets dark, then we're going trick-or-treating. I think it will be fun. And as i told you I am beign Audry Hepburn as Sabrina/ Breakfast at Tifinys. I got a pink, lace dress that is strapless, and like a perfect black one that is like axactly like the one she has in the mivie with the mid-waist band, that ine is to where to school, and the pink one is to where for trick or treating. And then i got a cigarette holder, shoes(im still looking for some better ones) and gloves, and some fake pearls.
For our class play, you've probably heard we arn't doing a school mucical this year, we're doing A CHRISTMAS CHAROL. Noah is Scrooges Nephew, and im a bunch of parts. But the way the directors are explaining it, its going to be like we're children, poor children working in the mines in the 1800's, and we get the script and just start acting it out as a play. If you can understand the way I explained it, it sounds fun though.
So thats about all thats going on right now
Love you, enjoy the rest of your "holiday", and have loads of fun!
Kali xoxoxo
p.s. also the dog, ill get photoes as soon as posible

1 comment:

Ilaria said...

Thank you Kali, love you!