Friday, November 23, 2007

More Thanksgiving Shots

Dear Ilaria,
I think you recognize all these folks.
Your phone call gave your grandma & me a feeling that we'd almost been with you. And your blog photos & message gave us more of that feeling. When your mother was in Peru and Karyn & I were in the Marshall Islands, we had only letters with a minimum of 2 weeks delivery time. What a different time.

Some of the photos are self explanatory, but here are a few notes:
Reiko made the sushi so Kali could have a vegetarian alternative.
Mason is not doing Stand up comedy, he's trying to help us figure out his charade. Well, maybe he was doing stand up comedy.
Your mother cooked the bird with a cajun-beer sauce, so it is not burned -- just real spicy & so-o-o-o Good!
AM & Linda dropped by after dinner, for desert.
Karen & Jimmy's photo (looking so happy) was taken while they were watching Annelyse singing a song from "Hairspray" for us to help settle our dinner.
We did pose for a group photo. Hopefully, someone's came out. Mine was messed up by refrection from the flash on the living-room windows.
There was this group of 8th graders there that kept showing up in my pictures -- although their table manners at the young people's table looked much more civilized than the "adult" table. (embarassing how much food was on the plates or forks).

A good time was had by all.

Love, Grandpa

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