Monday, December 24, 2007

Happy Christmas Eve Day!

Our turn to tell you what's been happening back home. Last night was the Crow family Christmas party. Karen and Jimmy hosted it. We had yummy food that included all our traditions, pork and prune gravy, shrimp creole, mashed potatoes, lima beans, salad, and lots of sweets. Kris' new girlfriend brought fantastic chocolates from Vancouver, BC, which is where she is from. You can see photos of her and Kris below. Her name is Kathryn. She's very nice and everyone likes her (especially auntie Kris!)

After dinner we played games, as you can see Kali was having her butt whipped by Calista who is a master on the Wii. It was great to just be together, have a great meal and play. It was a great event and we are very thankful to Jimmy and Karen for hosting.

Today Noah and I are heading out to do some last minute shopping while HwiJin and Reiko stay home and relax. HwiJin is very tired from her trip. She is very nice and I think she enjoyed being with the family last night. I think it was a bit overwhelming for her.

Tonight we may go to a movie and just hang out. Tommorrow we'll get up do presents and then head over to Karyn and Jack's for brunch. Then we come home to have dinner with the Lanphear clan. It will be a busy day. We promise to write all about it.

Ilaria and CC there is definitelly a hole here without you. You are really missed. You are both such Christmas enthusiasts and not too many people around here are. However Kali is super excited, as usual.

Bunches of love to all of you and hopefully we'll talk to you on Christmas.

Kisses and hugs,

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