Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A Wonderful Christmas!

Well Christmas this year was filled with LOTS of great food, good company and laughter. On Christmas eve we went to see Sweeny Todd with Reiko and HwiJin. Mason stayed home by himself and kept calling me during the movie, he said he was bored but I think he was a little scared at home alone. The movie was good (Johnny Depp can actually sing) but it was also freaky and I'm glad Mason didn't see it.

On Christmas morning (after I had gone to bed at 2am) Mason woke up at around 6am (Reiko had gotten up at 5:30 wanting to see Mason on Christmas morning). He came and woke me up too and I convinced him to take a shower and wait. Finally at 8am he woke everyone else up but got very frustrated because we were taking so long. He finally ended up in tears for a little bit because he was so dissapointed that he had to wait. He finally got over it and we had a lovely time opening stockings and gifts. I think Reiko and HwiJin really enjoyed themselves but HwiJin was very tired. She was a trooper! We gave her a few gifts (some fuzzy slippers for the house, a candle, a bracelet, and a calendar that has a new English word for every day of the year. Reiko was so excited to get a tennis racket and Noah promises to go down with her to Hale and play. The boys were so shocked when they opened the Wii. I wrapped it in my laptop box so that when they tore off the wrapping they thought it was a new computer. Mason was psyched but all Noah could think of was how could they possibly share a computer. When they opened the box and saw the Wii they were really shocked. All Noah's friends were shocked that we let him have a Wii. It is a big step for our house but as I type this Reiko and Mason are playing tennis. Noah framed the Martin Luther King Jr. charcoal for me and Mason got Bob a wonderful pair of sheepskin slippers.

At about 10:45 we went over to Karyn's for brunch. The food was amazing. They made eggs benedict and home fries, we had the Welsh Christmas bread, coffee cake from the B&O, juices, fresh fruit, pancakes. It was out of control good. We had fun visiting for a few hours and then it started to snow!!! We drove home with some big flakes falling all around us (see photo of Mason with the girls). It melted a little while later but it was really special to have some snow on Christmas day. When we got home I fell asleep on the couch and when the Lanphear clan arrived I was still asleep. I was really embarrassed because you know I like to be prepared. But we pulled it together and had a lovely dinner and played some games and Aunt Sandy started the traditional Christmas puzzle. They all went home around 7pm and I went straight to bed at about 8pm. I woke up at around midnight and found Noah and Mason playing the Wii. Go figure! I sent them on to bed--obviously.

Today Bob took the boys up to ski/snowboard. It took three hours to just get there. There is a lot of snow up there. They got home about an hour ago and already Noah has gone to Ryan's tonight so that Ryan's dad can drive them up to snowboard again! They really want to get use of those season passess.

I went back to work today, something I really didn't want to do. Oh well, life goes on. I'm super tired tonight, so I'm off to read my book and collapse.

All in all it was a most excellent Christmas. The only thing missing was you!

Kisses and love,

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